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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: September 1952
Country: United States
A city councilman plans the demise of the mayor who refuses to buy property from him. The councilman uses the involuntary help of a practical joker, having rigged a haunted house with special gimmicks.; While on a treasure hunt, Danvers murders his partner Rainier. His guilty conscience makes him see Rainier on different occasions. The police confront Danvers with an agent in a ghost suit to make him confess his crime.; On the skin of Leroy, the tattooed man, pictures appear which foreshadow doom. But it's all a trick to cover up robberies.; Two puppeteers hate each other. George kills Paul in a rage, but confesses to his crime later on.; A date tree sprouts in New Orleans on the spot where a man has been murdered.