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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: April 1959
Country: United States
Aliens are using a salesman to plant weapons on Earth, but when a man throws the salesman out, the salesman suddenly recalls the aliens' plans and stops an invasion.; When Mr. Clyde discovers that he has been hired to guide gun runner Verrill through the Peruvian jungle, he refuses to help him. But he doesn't know that Verrill has enlisted a witch doctor, so that whatever happens to Verrill happens to Clyde.; A scientific expedition comes across an unknown island with stone statues resembling those on Easter Island. After one of the statues comes to life, Prof. Spears deciphers an tablet and discovers that the statues are sentries for an ancient alien base under the island. Luckily, the tablet also tells the scientists how to deactivate the sentries, and they are able to escape before the island submerges.