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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Crime, Humor, Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: June 1959
Country: United States
Rocky Martin, crime boss, has been deported, but still maintains his underworld ties. While in Europe, he runs into the last in a line of sorcerers and believes he's found his ticket back to the States and his empire.; On an expedition to test out a diamond-detector, a crew gets a strong reading near a seam in a rock. Upon entering the seam, one of the men falls into a gaseous pit. Out of the pit comes a man made of solid diamond.; Harry Boone is about to finish his quest for an archaelogical treasure when the dangers of the jungle destroy his nerve. But when the natives point him toward the "deathless" Phoenix bird, he believes he's found a new source of courage.; An expedition finds freezing cold weather in the tropics. The cause appears to be a strange alien creature that seemingly escaped from a crashed ship and left behind the unconscious ship's captain. It's up to the expedition to find a way to stop the creature.