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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Horror-suspense, Humor, Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1959
Country: United States
While studying an ancient African crypt, Alan Hunter ponders images of Horus, Amun, and Anubis. Outside the crypt Alan meets the same gods in the nearby jungle. But they are actually beings from the planet Parma who came to Earth years ago, found it quaint, and decided to come back later to plunder its resources. And now is that time.; Photographer Paul Bradley is given permission to take all the photos he wants of a local village's festival of the wind god, except the temple of Notus, the Wind God himself. Legend has it that any defiler of Notus' temple will take on the form of the wind god until he discovers how to become human again. But Paul doesn't heed the warnings.; An alien is sighted in the vicinity of a number of strange events, like buildings lifting off the ground and floating in the air before landing again. The only thing that the alien seems to fear is a man bundled up like a mummy in men's clothing. But after the police subdue the alien they find that the he is really a doctor, and that the man wrapped like a mummy is a mental patient who is actually responsible for the chaos.; A man who murdered his uncle believes that his uncle's spirit has returned when he hears the sound of his walking stick.