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Publisher: DC
Title: House of Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Non-fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: August 1959
Country: United States
A mysterious plant grows up, right through a city street, on a quest to absorb every bit of water it can find. The authorities determine that they can kill the plant if they poison its supply of water. But more plants appear and the plant develops the ability to separate the poison out of the water.; On an archaeological dig, mysterious lights start emanating from caves, having dramatic effects on the men on the dig, changing them into strange creatures.; Paul Drake wants to be respected as a concert violinist, but due to his average performance skills only gets offers to be a musical clown. When he hears the legend of the violin of Lajos, he decides that it will change his destiny. Little does he know how right he is.; Jay Drews, billed as the Man of 1000 Faces, does a quick-change act. After a performance, he's approached by a stranger selling him a realistic Martian costume, claiming he found it in a chest that fell out of the sky. Jay purchases the costume, tries it on, and then finds he can't take it off. The costume seems to have other plans for Jay...