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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Iron Fist
Page Count: 36
Genre: Martial Arts, Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.30 USD
Cover Date: February 1977
UPC: 0714860217602
Country: United States
Misty and Danny are taking a cozy walk outside of the hospital where Lee Wing is recovering when the Wrecking Crew literally bursts out of the ground in front of them looking for the mighty Thor (they figure they can capture Dr. Donald Blake and make him lead them to the Asgardian hero). Iron Fist holds his own against the Wrecker and his comrades until Misty is captured by Thunderball. In order to save her life, Iron Fist agrees to break into Avengers Mansion and turn off the alarms so the Wrecking Crew can enter and kill Thor.