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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Iron Fist
Page Count: 36
Genre: Martial Arts, Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.30 USD
Cover Date: September 1977
UPC: 0714860217609
Country: United States
Iron Fist battles the Steel Serpent and loses as Davos sucks the chi right out of him. Wolverine is stalking Jean Grey and notices someone entering her apartment. Iron Fist is visiting Misty's pad (she's Jean's roommate) when he is attacked by the pint sized X-Man. Their scuffle quickly devolves into an all-out battle between Iron Fist and the whole team (thanks in part to Storm getting a bowl of party dip in the face) until Jean and Scott show up and put a stop to it. As Jean's landlord is threatening to evict because of the damage, Danny intervenes as his company happens to own the building.