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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Iron Fist
Page Count: 36
Genre: Martial Arts, Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: August 1976
UPC: 0714860217608
Country: United States
On his flight to Master Kahn's fortress with Misty Knight, Danny learns from his father's lawyer, Jeryn Hogarth, that he is a very rich man. Back in K'un-Lun, the Thunderer catches Yu-Ti spying on Iron Fist in a giant crystal. Iron Fist finally finds Colleen but she has been brainwashed into hating him and attacks. While battling one of his closest friends and being assaulted by Angar's mindstorm, Iron Fist is able to break Colleen's conditioning by using his powers to meld minds with her. This saps all of his remaining strength and he is assaulted by Khan's goons.