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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Iron Man
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.60 USD; 0.25 GBP; 0.75 CAD
Cover Date: January 1983
Country: United States
Tony Stark and Indries Moomji return to New York leaving a still-hospitalized Rhodey in Scotland under the care of Dr. Ian Forsythe. With his armor badly damaged Stark uses an older design to defeat the Melter who has shown up to Stark International. Vic Martinelli finds out that Obadiah Stane is behind the plot against Stark. Iron Man confronts Stane, who confesses his role, but is unable to do anything due to lack of proof. Martinelli informs Stark that Rhodey has gone missing. Due to all the recent troubles, Stark is tempted to start drinking again.