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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Journey into Mystery
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy, Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: June 1963
Country: United States
An evil scientist forces Dr. Blake to help him with a duplicating machine by kidnapping Jane. The device duplicates Thor, but cannot duplicate his magic hammer, allowing Thor to defeat the duplicate. Dr. Zaxton accidentally duplicates himself and falls to his death, leaving his good duplicate to take his place.; An evil pharaoh has himself placed in stasis for centuries to escape his rival, only to find that his rival went into stasis in order to meet him when he awakes.; A human crashlands on an alien planet, and the inhabitants believe that he is a spy from the shape-shifting people of a nearby world. He alerts an Earth ship to rescue him, but he steals one of their life pods and escapes without thanking them, since he really was a shape-shifting alien.