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Publisher: Fiction House
Title: Jungle Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Animal, Jungle
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: May 1942
Country: United States
A treasure hunter persuades the Wambus' witch doctor to help him kidnap the chief's son and demand as ransom the tribe's sacred ruby. The chief refuses to reveal the location of the ruby and is killed by the treasure hunter. Kaänga defeat the treasure hunter and reveals that the ruby was hidden in the tusk of the Wambus' sacred elephant. Young Daru, now chief, gives the ruby to Ann so that it will no longer trouble the tribe.; Wambi leads an anthropologist and his fiancee to the Monga village. The villagers are suspicious of the white people and imprison them and Wambi's ape friend Ogg. Wambi and his other jungle friends rescue the prisoners and when the anthropologist saves the chief's son's life, he is welcomed and encouraged to study the tribe.; Saga, an Amazon queen challenges Camilla for the title of "queen of the jungle." Camilla manages to triumph by figuring out the secret of Saga's so-called "black magic."; Tabu prevents Arab bounty hunters from taking an innocent man.; Andy's dreams lead the gang to an Arab determined to keep the English out of the desert.; Ghazia, lusting after Fantomah's throne disguises the spotted men as mummies and sets them on the city of Khefra. Fantomah calls on the ancient gods of Egypt to turn the Spotted Men into real mummies and they crumble into dust as Ghazia flees the city.; Boko saves Simba from native hunters by appearing to invoke a solar eclipse.