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Publisher: Fiction House
Title: Jungle Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Animal, Jungle, Nature, Non-fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: July 1941
Country: United States
Kaänga persuades Hatulangi to call of his jungle raids if Kaänga can bring him the Sacred Skull. After he has done so, he must also rescue Ann from a gorilla.; Wambi helps restore an exiled chief to his village and foils a plan to stir up a jungle war.; Tabu rescues a safari seeking the Temple of the Green Buddha from cannibals.; During a siege of the fort by Arabs, a mutiny by one of Terry's men is planned.; The Red Panther battles a leopard-killing gorilla.; Camilla and her Vikings encounter a hostile black tribe during their explorations of the lost empire's lake.; Simba protects a prospector and his daughter (who has befriended Simba's cub) from murderous thieves.; The witch doctor Guluba shrinks Fantomah and her new pet, Fury, to the size of mice. Fury protects Fantomah until she can break the spell. Guluba transforms himself into a leopard and is killed by Fury.; A pair of natives, seeking a white man to capture, forcing the police to release their chief's son, meet their match in Roy and his new outboard motor.; Brief natural histories of the chameleon, the green mamba, and the python.