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Publisher: DC
Title: Justice League
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: July 2015
UPC: 76194130593604211
Country: United States
Sent there by Lena Luthor, Superman and Lex Luthor's arrival on Apokolips does not go unnoticed by Darkseid. Meanwhile, back on Earth, after a brief battle between Wonder Woman and Grail, Metron transports the Justice League away from the Anti-Monitor to the Rock of Eternity. Elsewhere Myrina Black reveals her background and discovers that Mister Miracle isn't the ally she thought he was. At the Rock of Eternity, the League doesn't find answers forthcoming from Metron, and once they realize the source of his information is his chair, they remove him, and Batman takes his seat, becoming a god.