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Publisher: DC
Title: Justice League of America
Page Count: 44
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: March 2010
Country: United States
Green Arrow remembers how the League used to be and how much he enjoyed that more innocent time as he fights Hunter, Dr. Impossible, and Neon Black in the Watchtower. Meanwhile the rest of the League fight Tender Mercy and Chair on Blackhawk Island and meet Congorilla and Starman there. Red Tornado aids Green Arrow in routing the three villains. The League then begins to separate for various personal reasons, leaving only Batman, Donna Troy, Congorilla and Starman to defeat some other villains who were working for Prometheus. The five villains assemble the machine pieces they've gathered and activate it, peering into the various worlds of the Multiverse.