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Publisher: DC
Title: Lobo
Page Count: 36
Genre: Humor, Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.50 USD; 1.85 CAD; 0.80 GBP
Cover Date: November 1990
Country: United States
Dox's super secret plot to rid the universe of some of the galaxy's most unsavory characters is derailed when Lobo and Miss Tribb disappear from the scanners. They have been captured by a ship full of intellectuals who force Lobo to participate in a spelling bee where the losers are disintegrated. Miss Tribb holds no illusions that her former pupil will do well as he wasn't the brightest bulb in her fourth grade class. Luckily, all of Lobo's worlds deal with death and destruction and he wins handily. After exercising his brain so laboriously, Lobo decides it's time for a vacation.