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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.30 USD
Cover Date: October 1967
Country: United States
Parody of the film "Hombre"; a white man raised as a Native American assuming his father's place as a slumlord leads a motley crew of stagecoach robbery survivors back to civilization.; Real events, such as missing persons, Senate investigations and social trends are turned into premises for game shows.; Social criticism as if it were written and illustrated by Dr. Seuss.; Parody of the TV series "The Rat Patrol"; a member of Rommel's Desert Forces in North Africa tries to lure a squad of American commandos into a series of traps.; A satirical look at dating rituals.; An ironic look at double-standards in society.; Examples of how complaints about society evolve along with society.; The White Spy tricks the Black Spy into abandoning his armored vehicle.; The White Spy tries to sink the Black Spy's battleship.; Cliche dialogue arranged to make a generic "Society Movie" film.; Two actors on a sound stage take a smoke break.