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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.30 USD
Cover Date: March 1968
Country: United States
A cynical examination of the equipment and training that comes with sky diving.; In a parody of the film "The Sand Pebbles," a surly sailor aboard a U.S. Naval vessel meets a corrupt priest and his dimwitted daughter in Southeast Asia.; A former friend of Charlie Brown of the Peanuts comic strip visits the old neighborhood and finds that the characters of the strip have let success change them.; How different genres of TV shows would be affected if the interviewees told the truth instead of sticking to safe talking points.; Satirical look at American fashion and its effect on perception of other people.; New types of air pollution that will be caused by new social movements.; Nursery rhymes written to satirize the medical profession.; A man driving in the desert is menaced by a flock of vultures.; Examples of humorous graffiti allegedly found on the walls of public restroom stalls.; Examples of behavior changes couples undergo after being married for a while.; If passengers got welcome speeches on other means of transportation like they do on airlines.; The White Spy thinks he's discovered The Black Spy's secret sub base.; Two bums find a bottle they think contains liquor.; The Black Spy tries to plant a listening device in the White Spy's headquarters.