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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.40 USD
Cover Date: October 1971
Country: United States
In a parody of the film "Love Story," a rich college boy romances an ethnic girl below his social station in spite of pressure from his parents, and then she dies - - beautifully.; In a parody of the TV show "Sesame Street," local residents and puppets try to teach simple lessons amid the decay and danger of an inner city slum neighborhood block.; Satirical look at contemporary youth fashions and behavior and the reaction to it by the previous generation.; Dick Cavett interviews a suburban couple in a typical American city.; Photos are juxtaposed ironically in order to satirize contemporary United States society.; Humorous incidents from amusement parks are portrayed.; The effect of pollution on modern American society and its influence on the members of that society.; Recruitment posters, based on the famous "Uncle Sam wants you" poster from the U.S. Army, are fashioned for multiple historical military actions.; A series of humorous incidents inside a modern hotel.; A cave man invents the flute, then invents music criticism.; Private Doves secretly rewires an animatronic war diorama to convey his message of peace.; The White Spy traps the Black Spy with images pasted onto the lenses of his sunglasses.; Three cavemen try to tell time.