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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.40 USD
Cover Date: December 1972
Country: United States
In a parody of the film "The Godfather," a Mafia Don's son is reluctantly recruited into the family business due to an attempt on his father's life.; Parody of "The Mary Tyler Moore Show"; a flighty divorcee tries to find career and romantic success amid the incompetent antics of a local TV newsroom.; Examples of the more annoying aspects of commuting and of those who commute.; A holiday mail order gift catalog filled with useless junk gifts.; Various hunter types and hunting situations are satirized.; Celebrities of one political leaning hold up signs next to the signs held by celebrities of the opposite political leaning to change that sign's meaning.; The behind the scenes antics of the employees of a local utility are depicted.; An ode, patterned after Ernest Lawrence Thayer's poem "Casey at the Bat", to the importance of announcer Howard Cosell to the popularity of ABC's Monday Night Football.; A man on the brink of suicide is visited by his fairy godmother.; Two witnesses attempt to get a man run over by a steamroller to the hospital as quickly as possible.; The White Spy sabotages the Black Spy's trap.; A photographer tries to produce a flattering picture of a homely woman.; Four people pick the wrong place to hold a seance.