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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.50 USD
Cover Date: December 1975
Country: United States
In a parody of the film "Funny Lady," a burlesque comedienne is torn between feelings for the three men in her life.; A niche magazine for members of divorced families.; In a parody of the film "Shampoo," a handsome hairdresser sleeps his way through his clients while trying to become a big name.; Examples of how fast-food restaurants have changed life.; Examples of how airline flight will change as airlines cut back on money spent.; Profile of a sports fan who strives to make everyone else at the game miserable.; Postage stamps that commemorate trivial events or people.; Flubs and foibles on the football field, with the characters shown only from the knees down.; An elephant hides from two hunters.; A student learns that science is part observation.; A man buys a tree.; The White Spy trains a chicken to act like a boa constrictor.; An actress misses her cue.