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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 52
Genre: Advocacy, Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.50 USD
Cover Date: July 1976
Country: United States
In a parody of the film "One Flew over the Cuckoo's Nest," a con pretends to be mentally ill to avoid a prison sentence, then proceeds to butt heads with the martinet head nurse at the mental institution.; A niche magazine for people obsessed with natural and human-induced disasters.; Examples of things that drive people crazy.; In a parody of the TV series "Rhoda," the hilarious antics of a loud Jewish family are profiled.; Devices designed to alleviate the over-abundance of parked cars.; Cropped photos are inserted into drawings of incongruous situations for ironic effect.; Class-action suits filed over every day annoyances.; A man channels his inner Gene Kelly.; Providing worse alternatives to bad situations.; Examples of lovers interacting, depicted from the waist down.; The Black Spy plays a puppet arcade game.; A man tries to plug a leak in a dam from the wrong side.