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Publisher: EC
Title: MAD
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Satire-parody
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.50 USD
Cover Date: February 1977
Country: United States
In a parody of the film "The Shootist," a famous gunslinger dying of cancer seeks a quiet place to pass away, but can't leave his reputation behind him.; Examples of people caught in embarrassing situations.; In a parody of the TV series "One Day at a Time," a divorcee tries to raise two daughters and avoid the amorous advances of the building maintenance man.; The Dean Martin Celebrity Roast hosts an ordinary citizen rather than a celebrity.; Meeting minutes from organizations that don't want their actions made public.; Other businesses slash perks to lower the cost to consumers, just as the airlines have.; Pictures replace word balloons and explain how the depicted scene occurred.; Examples of how your social status affects the way your behavior is labeled.; Famous literary works are satirized, with the scene shot from the waist down.; A man reports a vandalized phone booth to the phone company.; A castaway tries to signal a passing ship.; Returning from a mission, Superman finds his clothes weren't safe in that phone booth.; A cement mason deals with a rotten kid.; A princess gets a surprise when she tries to kiss a frog.