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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Marvel Super-Heroes
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Bronze
Cover Price: 0.35 USD
Cover Date: November 1977
UPC: 0714860247511
Country: United States
Bruce Banner, dying on a rocket ship hurling back to Earth, succeeds in turning back to the Hulk and surviving the experience. Once he makes it back home, he is accosted by Sandman who easily dupes the Hulk into believeing he is his only friend in the world. On his new buddy's instructions, Hulk attacks Ross's missile base as the Sandman uses the diversion to try and steal some military hardware. Finally figuring out that he has been hornswaggled once again, Hulk beats up Sandman but then leaps away before Ross and Betty can tell him they may think he is not that bad a guy after all.