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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Marvel Super Special
Page Count: 68
Genre: Sword And Sorcery
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 2.50 USD; 1.00 GBP; 3.00 CAD
Cover Date: December 1984
UPC: 0714860276735
Country: United States
Queen Taramis promises she will bring Valeria back to life if Conan escorts her niece on a quest. Jehnna is to retrieve a key to a treasure that only she can unlock. The key is in a castle guarded by Thoth-Amon and along the way Jehnna is spirited away to his castle. But Akiro shows Conan's band a secret entrance to the castle. Conan kills Thoth-Amon and Jehnna acquires the Heart of Ahriman.; Conan escorts Jehnna to retrieve the horn of Dagoth. Once Jehnna has the horn, Bombaata escapes with her while Conan and the others are battling palace guards sent to kill them. Taramis plans to sacrifice Jehnna in a ritual using the horn that will bring Dagoth back to life, but Conan and his band arrive in time to save her.