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Publisher: AC
Title: Men of Mystery Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 9.95 usd
Cover Date: March 2009
Country: United States
The Flame has to deal with the wanton killing and robberies staged by a group of weird, spectral creatures called the Kikoo, which came from an island where the government leaders hid them out because of their inferior minds. Unfortunately, led by an evil influence, they are capable of extreme violence, as the Flame discovers.; After entertaining crippled children at a circus, he then is asked to tell them how he became Captain Flash. As a professor at an atom lab, one day he accidently unsheathed cobalt rays, which gave him incredible powers, and a young boy named Ricky overheard his good fortune, so Keith Spencer decided to take the boy on as a partner.; Captain Midnight and his companions are threatened by living rocks with a silica base on the Moon; Brenda, thinking that Lizard is dead, reveals to her parents that she's still alive. But Lizard captures her and tries to force her to marry him.