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Publisher: Boom! Studios
Title: Mighty Morphin Power Rangers
Page Count: 32
Genre: Adventure
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99
Cover Date: December 2023
UPC: 84428400886015011
Country: United States
In something out of a nightmare, Tommy comes face to face with pure evil and watches in horror as the unthinkable happens to his friends Dark Specter's power grows and spreads, pitting Zord-against-Zord as the corrupted Rangers battle their loved ones. As Mistress Vile begins to regret what she's unleashed, two other villains may be the key to the Rangers' only hope, and the last resort for seeking answers within the Morphin Grid!!

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Mighty Morphin Power Rangers #122 (2024)
Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

#122 (2024)

Taurin Clarke - Regular - Connecting