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Publisher: Fox
Title: Mystery Men Comics
Page Count: 68
Genre: Adventure, Aviation, Humor, Science Fiction, Spy, Superhero, War
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1939
Country: United States
Agents of a warring nation plot to destroy all U.S. industrial plants and steal gold from the U.S. Federal Reserve in order to cripple the abilities of America to meddle in the war.; Scientists first ignore the fact that a meteor from outer space has struck Earth in Asia at an angle, making the area devoid of natural features, which they call "The Bald Spot." However, when they discover that the Bald Spot is growing in size, the scientists investigate and discover a strange life form: jelly fish with heads or protoplasmen as they call them. Rex investigates and discoers a way todestroy the enemy.; Wing is assigned the task of manning a plane over the U-boat infested waters of the North Atlantic, looking for the periscopes of subs below the surface. He spots one and heads into the air to coordinate his ship's torpedo target. While the torpedo sinks the sub, Wing's plane's rudder is hit by flying shattered metal and crashes into the ocean, becoming fair game for the Nazis..