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Publisher: Archie
Title: Pep Comics
Page Count: 36
Genre: Children, Fashion, Humor, Teen
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: December 1959
Country: United States
Archie is conducting an experiment to find the shortest route to school. Jughead suggests that the shortest way is a "bee-line hike": go in a straight line, no matter what obstacles he has to go over, under and through.; Katy goes hunting with Randy.; A potential advertising client of Linda's father tries to test his miracle hair oil on Wilbur's head, but nothing can flatten Wilbur's hair no matter how much of the goo is rubbed into it.; Li'l Jinx tries to help her parents with their chores.; Archie is in despair because Miss Grundy is coming to his house to talk to his father about his bad grades. But when she gets there, she remembers that Fred used to be an even worse student.