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Publisher: Archie
Title: Pep Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Humor, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1951
Country: United States
Wilbur gives Mr. Wilkin a folding chair for his birthday. Mr. Wilkin can't fold it so he can sit in it and it drives him crazy, to the point of being sent to the state hospital.; Archie invents a tool that can dust several erasers at the same time.; K.O. takes the wrong car in his rush to see Katy and gets thrown in jail for driving a stolen car.; Ferdy doesn't have enough money to take Suzie out. His uncle gives him a pin and tells him to give it to Suzie and his worries will be over. When Ferdy gives her the pin, she starts to change dresses trying to find one to match it. Eventually she does find a dress that matches the pin but when she sees Ferdy has fallen asleep, waiting for her, she's furious and kicks him out.; Jinx and Bill step outside of the comic page to help Joe Edwards write a story because he has writers block.; As Jughead plays tiddly winks his uncle tries to talk him into taking up an instrument. When Jug starts playing the saw, then graduates to the band saw, they go back to tiddly winks.