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Publisher: Archie
Title: Pep Comics
Page Count: 60
Genre: Humor, Military, Superhero, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: October 1943
Country: United States
Joe Higgins stands accused of murder of one of his old friends.; While facing certain death, Captain Commando and the Boy Soldiers think about what led them to where they are.; Dr Peters and Dr Mordecai, Botany Professors, traveled to Tibet. Upon their return to the United States, Dr Peters had lost his mind, due to attempting to bring back a sacred plant.; Bugaboo has trouble fishing.; When Jughead mentions that jockeys have to be a certain weight, Archie stuffs himself in hopes of becoming overweight. Archie gets sick and is visited by Dr. Breakbone. Dr. Breakbone gives Archie a vigorous exercise routine and Archie breaks his arm. When he tells Mr. Lodge of the incident, Mr. Lodge says picking Archie to be a jockey was only a joke.; His crew doesn't like him, but the pirates like his ship.; An airplane makes an unscheduled landing in the bayou.