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Publisher: Archie
Title: Pep Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1950
Country: United States
I.Q. tests are given to Archie's class and it turns out he's a genius. Until the school board realizes he's not six years old, he's really sixteen.; Randy gave Katy two tickets to watch him compete in a polo match. She invites K.O. along. After the first half K.O. is visiting the stables and the devil appears on his shoulder and convinces him to put a burr under Randy's saddle. In the second half Randy's horse throws him and Katy comes to his rescue, much to the chagrin of K.O.; Jughead thinks he has sent a dance invitation to Moose's girl Bubbles instead of history notes. Jughead then has to try and get the letter back from the post office, before it's delivered to her, and Moose finds out about it.; Thinking she's going to get a dog, Jinx ends up with a cheese round.; Wilbur rents a yacht but ends up on the wrong ship.; Suzie can't resist a sale.; Never use a wooden bucket for hot ashes, always use a metal container.