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Publisher: Archie
Title: Pep Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Children, Humor, Teen
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: November 1952
Country: United States
Betty and Veronica find out Archie and Reggie are going fishing and decide they want to go along. The only problem is the boys don't want to take them fishing and they leave the girls behind. The girls don't give up that easy and follow the boys to the lake. Taking a row boat to the boys' fishing spot the girls drop anchor and start diving in the water, making a lot of noise and scaring off the fish.; In class Mrs. Grundy has Jughead remove his hat and put it on a hook in the back of the room. She then asks him a question which he answers correctly. Jughead smiles proudly and she tells him not to get a swelled head. On the way home Jughead starts to wonder if a person's head really could swell up with knowledge. Archie tells Charlie he has a idea. The next day Archie reminds Jughead to hang up his hat. After another correct answer Jughead asks Archie if his head is swelling. Then he puts on his hat to find it is now too small.; Suzie wants Ferdie and Gregory to learn how to get along with each other so the three of them pull taffy togehter.; It's the leap year dance and Linda asks Wilbur to be her date, Laurie isn't happy about that. Slats is afraid he's Hortense's type and runs off when she arrives. Slats Then tells Wilbur he's holding out for Laurie. When Slats run into Linda later he asks her when her friend is going to ask him to the dance. Linda asks out Slats on her friend's behalf. It isn't until the night of the dance that Slats finds out it's Hortense she was speaking for, not Laurie.; Katy reads her horoscope and it says "today will be your lucky day." But on her way to accept a movie role she gets arrested. Arriving late she loses the part and on her way off the lot she hits her face on the studio gate and gets a black eye. When she gets home she realizes she was reading yesterday's newspaper.; Li'l Jinx helps her father with a landscape project.; Betty dyes her hair black and Veronica dyes her hair blonde.