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Publisher: Fiction House
Title: Planet Comics
Page Count: 52
Genre: Science Fiction
Era: Golden
Cover Price: 0.10 USD
Cover Date: March 1946
Country: United States
Hunt and Lyssa are trying to escape some Voltamen and discover Dr. Schultz, so they enlist his aid in destroying a Volta power station.; The planet Itec has returned to its orbit after being lost for aeons, and is now capturing spaceships. Gale is mistaken for a legendary queen and manages to hypnotize Lor.; Huldan escapes prison posing as a robot in a load of others being delivered by Reef. Flint follows and together they thwart a plot of Huldane's to transform women into plant-being slaves.; Star takes a spaceship of male colonists to a forgotten world populated only by women. People age very slowly there and the colonists decide to stay on with the women, while Star and Blackbeard continue to roam the universe.