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Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Title: Queen Sonja
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy, Sword And Sorcery
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD
Cover Date: July 2010
UPC: 725130148636
Country: United States
Ranivald and his men sneak into Ariok's bed chamber and stab him multiple times. Close to death, Ariok sends his sister Alethia down to the crypts to retrieve his magic sword. Restored by his weapon, Ariok and his sister flee the castle, thinking Sonja had a hand in the assassination attempt. Sonja gives chase, wanting to set things right, and catches up with Ariok. She is attacked by a demon dog and kills it, realizing too late that this is the transformed Aletheia. Now knowing Ariok's terrible secret, Sonja asks him to stay but he declines and leaves in his grief.