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Publisher: Massive
Title: Quested Season Two
Page Count: 24
Genre: Fantasy
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.99
Cover Date: May 2024
UPC: 72355236075900311
Country: United States
Cover by Kit Wallis, the artist behind such series as Mr Eastah, Warcorns, Good Boy, Hellicious, and the series artist on QUESTED! The misadventures continue in a brand new season of Quested by writers Michael Calero (Alpha Betas, Sumerian's American Psycho) and Thomas Parson, with art by Kit Wallis (Good Boy, Mr.Easta). 'For Whom the Jell Tolls.' Nightmares come in all shapes and sizes, but in the Underbaun they are Jellii filled. Jinx and Gil continue their quest through the afterworld, stumbling upon the dreaded Jellii Kingdom. Jinx is quickly recognized as public enemy number one and only his quick thinking and golden tongue will save him from a fate worse than the jelliis he carelessly slayed in quests past.

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