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Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Title: Red Sonja
Page Count: 36
Genre: Sword And Sorcery
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD
Cover Date: September 2008
UPC: 725130101242
Country: United States
As part of her training, Osin has Sonja bury all the victims in the village of Dorn who had been slain by pirates. Among the many bodies, Sonja finds the bodies of her sister's husband, but not of Verona or Verona's baby. Meanwhile, to the east Lucan Matur takes over as head of the Matur clan from his dead father. There, Verona is reunited with Lucan, her secret lover, and the real father of her child. Lucan had surreptitiously employed the pirates to attack Dorn so the massacre would not be blamed on him.