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Publisher: Dynamite Entertainment
Title: Red Sonja
Page Count: 52
Genre: Fantasy, Sword And Sorcery
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 3.99 USD
Cover Date: May 2011
UPC: 725130167767
Country: United States
Fesric's caravan is attacked by scorpions and all his people killed. Sonja finds Fesric tied up on a cross and bids her companions to take him back to his cousin Osric. She sets off alone to face Akim-Mekht, the priest of the People of the Scorpion. She battles and kills Akim-Mekht.; When Red Sonja returns with a tiara she was sent for by King Ghannif she learns her "reward" is to be made a part of his harem.; Red Sonja is captured by Vincentius, frees herself and Hunwolf and also kills Vincentius and Hunwolf.