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Publisher: Microcosm Publishing
Title: Seeds Of Spring
Page Count: 32
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 4.95
Cover Date: August 2023
ISBN: 9781648411731
Country: United States
Close ties of friendship and family are strengthened and celebrated in the fourth comic in the 15-part Seeds of Spring series. As Naguset's brother Mu'in prepares to be deployed, Naguset bonds with Mandy over punk songs from Chris, finding a moment of distraction and hope amidst harmful outside messages. Back in the 1800s, young Peter is reunited with his beloved brother, forges friendships, and defines success for himself in choosing his path after graduation. In this innovative serial graphic novel, Naguset, a modern Canadian Mi'kmaq teenager, exchanges books and mix tapes with her pen pal, Chris. Her imagination sparks when he sends her a biography of the 19th century Russian anarchist Peter Kropotkin.