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Publisher: Tokyopop
Title: Star Trek: The Manga Ultimate Edition
Page Count: 364
Genre: Science Fiction
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 19.99 USD; 23.99 CAD; 12.99 GBP
Cover Date: March 2009
UPC: 978142781352751999
ISBN: 978-1-4278-1352-7
Country: United States
Captain Kirk and Klingon commander Kring are separately having to answer for their actions on the planet Angrena.; Spock is in charge of the Enterprise while they are helping out a planet that recently ended a civil war.; A creature that can manipulate emotions has gotten on board the Enterprise.; The Enterprise finds a world where a gender war wiped out the population.; The Enterprise encounters a ship with people who have had other races assimilated into them to survive.; The Enterprise is attacked by giant mechas.; A feral Vulcan child causes trouble.; Uhura returns to duty after the events of The Changeling and the Enterprise receives a distress signal from a surviving Malurian.; The Enterprise investigates a strange malady affecting an archeological expedition.

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