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Publisher: DC
Title: Strange Adventures
Page Count: 36
Genre: Adventure, Detective-mystery, Science Fiction
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: May 1962
Country: United States
Robot secretary Ilda is declared obsolete and must report to the junkyard for destruction, but there she stumbles on the kidbapped Mercurian diplomat that her boss, Star Hawkins, is searching for. She alerts him, the diplomat is rescued, and she receives a ten-year reprieve.; Astronaut Bill Morton is teleported away by aliens who need his help to save their planet, but their plan is faulty, which leaves him stuck between dimensions.; An alien invasion begins, and DC writer Gardner Fox realizes that it is happening exactly as he just wrote it in a story for the Strange Adventures comic book, but now the pages of his story are blank and he can't remember how the aliens were defeated in the end.