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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Strange Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Science Fiction, Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: January 1963
Country: United States
The Human Torch goes looking for Sub-Mariner in order to beat him and win more respect. He traps Sub-Mariner beneath the ocean floor and returns to the surface.; A Soviet spy steals a gas intended to make the US leadership invulnerable, and uses it on the Soviet leaders. They find that it is a trap and the gas shrinks them to the size of insects.; In the year 2100 a criminal hijacks a spaceship to be the first man to claim the treasure of Planetoid 12. When he gets there, he finds nothing but water and mud. He thinks that it might be oil or something valuable, but after he drinks it he knows that it is merely water. The pilot that he forced along at gunpoint thinks he knows where the treasure is, but the criminal refuses to believe there is a treasure on Planetoid 12 at all until he reverts back into an infant. The pilot has realized the treasure is the fountain of youth.