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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Strange Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Fantasy, Superhero, Sword And Sorcery
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: February 1963
Country: United States
A counterfeiter caught by the Human Torch finds magic paints and uses them to escape from prison and strike back at the Torch. The Torch realizes what is happening and uses the magic paints to fool the Painter and defeat him.; An old hermit becomes enraged that the nearby redwood tree will outlive him, but when he dies the tree transforms its friend into an immortal redwood too.; A knight of King Arthur's court resents the favor shown Merlin and so challenges him to a battle. Merlin's champion, a black knight, wins the competition. The envious knight still sneers at Merlin and claims he has no true magic powers, but Merlin makes a mystic pass and the empty suit of armor falls in pieces upon the ground.