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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Strange Tales
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: March 1964
Country: United States
The Wizard breaks jail, and begins pulling crimes using a new anti-gravity flying device he's invented. Via trickery and disguise, he captures Johnny, then Sue, and begins impersonating Johnny, while planning bigger and bolder crimes with which to use his anti-gravity device. With the help of Reed and Ben, Sue and Johnny escape, and Johnny goes after The Wizard, who attempts to escape by flying higher and higher with his anti-grav disc. But it malfunctions, and, unable to control it, he just keeps going higher and higher...; Using his "Earthly Scanner," in which is a small replica of the planet, Strange senses evil somewhere in Bavaria. In a remote village, he finds the townspeople the victims of some strange form of possession, and believes a supernatural force is at work. But he soon discovers it's really the work of aliens from another dimension. He sends them packing, and seals off the dimensional doorway forever.