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Publisher: DC
Title: Superman's Pal, Jimmy Olsen
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.12 USD
Cover Date: October 1964
Country: United States
Jimmy fits right in on Bizarro World until Bizarro-Lex Luthor exposes him to a modified version of blue kryptonite, which restores Jimmy's mind but not his body. Now an outcast, Jimmy has to create a Bizarro-Professor Potter to invent a Bizarro-normalizer ray to restore him so Superman can bring him home.; Jimmy is kidnapped and replaced by an impersonator in order to trap Superman.; When Professor Potter creates a normalizer ray to turn the Bizarros human, Jimmy plays a joke on him by pretending to be Bizarro-Jimmy and letting himself be exposed to the ray. But the joke is on Jimmy when the ray turns him into a Bizarro! Bizarro-Jimmy does all sorts of wacky Bizarro-things until Bizarro-Superman arrives to whisk him away to Bizarro World.