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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Amazing Spider-Man
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 2.99 USD; 3.75 CAD
Cover Date: July 2007
UPC: 75960604716154211
Country: United States
Kingpin is waltzing out of prison when Spidey shows up for a final confrontation about the shooting of Aunt May. After going a few rounds in front of an audience of inmates, Spidey strips off his mask and tells Kingpin that, whereas Spidey would never kill the villain, Peter Parker is ready and willing to do just that. Peter beats the Kingpin to within an inch of his life and tells him that he is going to have to live with the humiliation of being beaten in front of those he claims to rule but only as long as Aunt May lives because, the moment she dies, Peter will be back to finish the job.