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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Amazing Spider-Man
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 0.60 USD; 0.25 GBP; 0.75 CAD
Cover Date: March 1984
Country: United States
Spidey has been robbed of his spider sense and rescued the Kingpin. With Harry and Jonah still under the threat of blackmail by the Hobgoblin, Spidey contacts all of the businessmen who are being squeezed as he tries to get a line on who and where Hobby is. Peter finally decides to use his old mechanical spider tracer receiver and is able to find the Hobgoblin's location. Spidey battles Hobgoblin it tough. Norman Osborn's Goblin journals are burned up and Hobgoblin is furious and blows up the building.