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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Amazing Spider-Man
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 0.75 USD; 0.40 GBP; 0.95 CAD
Cover Date: March 1986
Country: United States
The Beyonder makes a deal with the devil: he agrees not to destroy the cosmos if a hero can sustain his life's purpose in the face of overwhelming adversity. He chooses Spidey and frees Zarathos to torment him. Spidey overhears plans for the murder of Kingpin. Resolved to rescue him, Spidey is hampered in his quest by dead friends and foes from the past who accuse him of being a failure. Spidey is beaten down and begins to give in to despair. The source of the illusions, Zarathos, confronts Spider-Man and tries to convince him to let Kingpin be killed. Spidey finds the strength to fight back.