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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Amazing Spider-Man
Page Count: 36
Genre: Superhero
Era: Copper
Cover Price: 1.00 USD; 1.25 CAD; 0.50 GBP
Cover Date: July 1988
Country: United States
Peter is in Emporia, Kansas touring the On-Line Research complex where he is being offered a job. When a fire breaks out, Spidey swings in to help but witnesses the construction foreman using super speed to put the blaze out. Spidey has a chat with Wes Cassaday and learns that he was bitten by a radioactive jack rabbit but wishes to keep his powers a secret. After saving his potential boss from the dreaded Dr. Nero, Peter returns to New York and tells Mary Jane that he would like to take the job and move them half way across the country.