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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Avengers Annual
Page Count: 68
Genre: Superhero
Era: Silver
Cover Price: 0.25 USD
Cover Date: September 1969
Country: United States
Namor attacks a group of Eskimos and throws their idol into the sea. When the ice melts, the figure trapped within turns out to be Captain America, in suspended animation since the end of World War II. The Avengers rescue Cap and return to New York. An alien figure turns our heroes to stone. When Cap and Rick Jones track him down, the alien agrees to restore the Avengers if they agree to help him recover his broken space ship in return. When doing so, the Avengers are attacked by Namor and his people. The restored spaceship ultimately drives off Namor and his men.; The Red Skull's origin is told and Cap is brainwashed into being a Nazi.; Red Skull and his Nazis are trying to make Cap kill the Allies' high command.; Cap breaks free from the Nazi brainwashing and attempts to return to his unit.