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Publisher: Marvel
Title: Avengers
Page Count: 52
Genre: Superhero
Era: Modern
Cover Price: 1.75 USD; 2.15 CAD; 0.95 GBP
Cover Date: May 1992
Country: United States
The Nega-Bomb explodes, killing 98% of the Kree. Quasar arrives and finds Thor alive but many of the Avengers dead.. Captain America, Vision, and Wonder Man are found alive. Starfox discovers that the Avengers have been put in stasis and are returned to life. This was the Supreme Intelligence plan's for a tougher Kree race. Atlas destroys himself. Iron Man leads some of the Avengers into the Kree leader's citadel and destroy him. Lilandra shows up and claims the remnants of the Kree empire. The Avengers return to earth. A Skrull starship gathers a shard of the Supreme Intelligence.